Due to this strong tendency to bite it is advisable for Australian cattle dog owners to properly train and socialize them when they are puppies to stop this from turning into dangerous behavior. The Australian Cattle Dog also referred to as the Queensland Heeler the Blue Heeler and the Halls Heeler is an Australian working dogIt is a short stocky dog that grows to be about 20 inches tall and weigh about 45 pounds.
Remove yourself from the room.
How to stop an australian cattle dog from biting. There are several ways to stop a cattle dog puppy from biting and often this requires a multi-faceted approach. If your cattle dog puppy is biting hard and breaking skin if you have small children in your home or if you notice any aggressive displays its important to seek the assistance of behavior professional for safety. If the dog is still biting then consider using a deterrence collar.
They can be bought both online and in shops for a relatively low price. You simply hit a button whenever they bite and an unpleasant spray of citronella will be emitted. Many Cattle Dogs bite out of boredom.
They are full of energy so if they dont get enough exercise they can act out. Make sure your keen dog gets a long walk every day. You can try positive reinforcement training using a clicker and treats.
When he begins biting correct him with a verbal command. As soon as he stops click treat praise. Never result to negative reinforcement because it can lead to you gettin.
Remove yourself from the room. Nipping is a fun game for many cattle dogs and ignoring may not be enough for an extremely excited dog. Walk out of the room close the door and leave the dog alone for a few minutes.
This shows the dog that biting means no human contact. Try to always use reward to encourage good behavior before using punishment to dissuade bad behavior. Instead when the nipping occurs stop walking.
If you pull your feet away and push your dog away from your feet it will just become a game. It is better that you stop. Australian cattle dogs are known to either have tan or white markings.
They were initially known as the Australian Heeler. Due to this strong tendency to bite it is advisable for Australian cattle dog owners to properly train and socialize them when they are puppies to stop this from turning into dangerous behavior. To stop your puppy from biting let out a loud yelp whenever it bites you and let your hand go limp to show your puppy that biting hurts.
Then get up and walk away for 10-20 seconds so your puppy learns that playtime ends whenever it bites. Positive early experiences with strangers involving treats and praise will help deter an Australian Cattle Dog from growling and nipping at strangers later in life. Prohibit children from engaging the young Australian Cattle Dog in any type of chasing or nipping game as this goes against the training these dogs need and may lead to trouble later.
Teaching your Australian Cattle Dog to do tricks is not just fun for you both it also helps stop a lot of problems some Australian Cattle Dogs have with destructive tendencies. Many Australian Cattle Dogs and some breeds more than. While some believe the best dog food for Australian Cattle Dogs is a rawfresh diet of meats vegetables and other natural foods most find that type of diet.
NO Owners agree Australian Cattle Dogs are not aggressive. But they are courageous and will stand their ground when necessary. Of course there are exceptions to any rule and all breeds contain individuals with varying temperaments but as a whole Australian Cattle Dogs are not known for being aggressive or exhibiting aggression.
Stand approximately 10 feet away from your dog. Allow him to explore and behave normally. Step 2 Crouch down and hold a treat out in your hand.
The desire to investigate interesting objects and the discomfort of teething motivate puppies to chew. Much like human infants puppies go through a stage when they lose their baby teeth and experience pain as their adult teeth come in. Train Your Australian Cattle Dog To Listen To You.
Sign up for our Free Australian Cattle Dog Mini Course to have a housebroken obedient dog that happily comes to you every time you call. Youll learn new commands to obedience-train your dog as well as how to housebreak your dog in 6 days or less. Youll also learn how to eliminate bad habits.
Want to learn how to transform your Australian Cattle Dogs behavior. Click here to find out how. The Australian Cattle Dog also referred to as the Queensland Heeler the Blue Heeler and the Halls Heeler is an Australian working dogIt is a short stocky dog that grows to be about 20 inches tall and weigh about 45 pounds.