Here you can see the list two of Desi Indian Cows. Vrindavan Farms A2 Desi Cow Milk is produced from pure Indian breed cows that are grazed in the forest.
Physical features by which we can identify Desi Cow are Hump on their back.
How to identify desi cow. It is easy to identify Indian Desi Cow just by observing these 2 features1. All Indian Desi Cows bulls have hump on their back. This provides them advantage to carry more load2.
Indian cows develop a fold of loose skin hanging below neck. Dewlap provides high heat resistant capacity and makes desi cows bulls sustain in all environmentsJust with a simple observation of these features one can easily identify an Indian Desi Cow. 12 Dead Skin.
Check if they have dead skin on knees bottom side of chest area. If dead skin is noticeable that means the cow is past its prime age. That judgement is difficult to make for todays cows because they rest on rubber mats.
Hooves should be small and in good shape. We have previously created a List 1 of these cows. Here you can see the list two of Desi Indian Cows.
Indian Jersey Cow breed. In fact Jersey cow is mainly from the Jersey country but due to its existence in India for many years and due to reproduction of indigenous cows rum has been installed here. Desi cows are the native domestic cows of the Indian Subcontinent.
A few distinctive features that these cows have are. Hump on their back and a large dewlap. These cows are very used to the weather conditions of the tropical and hot Indian terrain.
Hence they can live comfortably in India. Indian breed Desi Cows contain the A2 allele gene. This is also transferred to the milk which makes it much more nutrient and healthy than the A1 milk variant that is produced by the exotic hybrid cows.
Generally Jersey Cows give more milk while Desi Cows gives less quantity of milk when compared to Jersey breed but the quality of Desi Cow milk A2 has been proved to be best and has. Desi cow is nothing but Indian originated breed cow. In recent days because of increased value of A2 milk and Desi cow products.
Domestic cow is of Lion shape ie. Front bigger in size and back smaller in size. Domestic cow is more sentimental and emotional towards its calf.
Domestic cow has extra muscles below its neck. Above picture is of Deoni species from Maharastra and Andhra Pradesh border region. This cow is from Rameshwari Natural Farm.
Desi CowIndian Breed CowIndian Cow Milk has A2 Protein The Indian desi cow has Surya Ketu vein running from the hump in Desi Cows on interaction with solar rays produces Gold Salts in her blood. Suryaketu nerve absorbs healthful essences from the atmosphere and makes milk excreta and garbage additional nutritious. These salts square measure gift in Desi Cows milk and different bodily fluids therefore Desi Cow.
Desi cow is not only looked upon as a source of benefit but also considered as a family member and revered with a motherly status often called Gau Mata. Indian history is also full of stories that underline the importance of cow. Gopal One who guards cows one of many names given to Lord Krishna in his childhood days.
He was called so as he used to take special care of his cattle. How to Identify Jersey cow - YouTube. This video features how to Identify Jersey cow.
This video features how to Identify Jersey cow. Desi cows have a distinct hump curved back and a flap on the neck while HFJersey cows do not. This is the easiest way to identify a Desi cow.
Test for adulteration in milk can be done at home using following ways. Boil milk on slow heat for 2-3 hours until it solidifies and become onerous khoya. Rock solid rough residue means the milk is adulterated while oily residue means it is of good quality.
Tips To Select Right Gir Cow for Dairy Farming. Videos you watch may be added to the TVs watch. Lets understand Desi Cow.
Physical features by which we can identify Desi Cow are Hump on their back. Large dewlap a fold of loose skin hanging from the neck or throat of an animal Their back is curves especially near the tail. Long tail with black hair.
Horns are mostly straight like antenna. Role Of Cow In Our Complete Wellbeing. Vrindavan Farms A2 Desi Cow Milk is produced from pure Indian breed cows that are grazed in the forest.
These cows graze in the forest land the entire day. They graze natural grass leaves and medicinal herbs. They give us healthy and delicious milk.
The hump on the back of the cow absorbs sunlight and converts it into minerals in the milk. It enhances the quality of the milk to many folds. Desi cows on the other hand rarely cross 2500 kg per lactation in standard home conditions.
But crossbreeds rarely lactate more than four times. While desis lactate 10-12 times. In effect this means a crossbreed can only produce 18000 kg of milk in a lifetime while a desi can give up to 25-30000 kg.
Unfortunately thanks to government policy such robust desi cows are hardly available. Tharparkar cow desi klimom desi indian cow s the desi cow almost extinct sikh identifying the perfect cow desi cows in climate fight6 Most Por Indian Cattle Breeds DollonsIndigenous Desi.